Shy Boys- Bell House


Live long enough and you'll experience the strain of adulthood. Tastes change, feelings mutate, friendships adapt, living spaces transition. For Shy Boys, the phenomenon was absorbed and converted into fuel for their second record, a well-evolved follow up to 2014's self-titled release. The record, Bell House, is named for the house the Kansas City group shared for half a decade; a place in time the band reflects back on as home-base for a period of mutual identity crisis and lifestyle transformation; marriage, moving back in with parents, dwindling leisure time. Brothers Collin and Kyle Rausch and three of their closest friends rescue youthful simplicity as Shy Boys with kindred, featherlight harmonies, nimble guitar arrangements, and spirited melodies.

Purchase Shy Boys' new record Bell House out August 3rd via Polyvinyl. Find Shy Boys' upcoming tour dates here.

David Walker